Organized into categories, this page will offer current answers to most questions that we receive as a district.
Choice-In / District Borders
Where are the Medical Lake School District borders?
If I live out of the MLSD District, how can I still attend one of your schools?
You will need to fill out a Choice-In Application found here:
There is no garauntee that there will be space-available, but we try our best to place each student.
More information on Learning by Choice in the state of Washington can be found here:
Can my child attend Michael Anderson Elementary on-base, even if we live off-base?
If you are within the Medical Lake School District and have base access, or are active-duty military, Yes, your child may attend the on-base school, Michael Anderson Elementary.
If you live out of the district borders and have base access, you will need to fill out a choice-in registration form to request enrollment.
How do I access school bus transportation information?
Go to the Medical Lake School District's main website. www.mlsd.org
Hover your mouse over Departments Tab. This will drop down options. Click on Transportation to see more information.
or email Transportation@mlsd.org
or call: 509-565-3110
Do I live in a busing area?
When you fill out a busing registration form, it will be sent to us and we will process it and call you with the information you need. You will need to transport until you hear from our office; usually 1-3 business days.
How will I know if school is closed?
A message will be sent to your phone (with the phone number you provided) via an auto caller. Please make sure your phone numbers and contact information is current and up to date.
You can also find out through local radio and television stations listed on the MLSD Transportation webpage.
Where do I find bus rules and requirements?
Here is the webpage under the transportation tab on the Medical Lake School District website with the Board Policy for Bus riding.
Or you can email Transportation@mlsd.org
Or call: 509-565-3110
Can I bring a friend onto Fairchild Air Force Base on the bus?
Military students - may ride with their ID onto Fairchild Air Force Base with their friend with notes from both parents and verified from the school office.
Non-Military students - we can transport to the base; However, they must be met at the Base Visitor Center (notes from both parents and verified at the school office). We do not transport non-military students onto Fairchild Air Force Base.
Can I have a bus come to Airway Heights?
Yes, we do bus military students from designated locations within Airway Heights to the High School, Middle School and Michael Anderson Elementary.
Are there buses available for after school activities?
There are activity buses that run for Middle School and High School students Monday through Thursday and some Fridays at the beginning of each sports season.
Can I bus my pre-schooler?
We do not bus pre-school students at this time.
Where can I find Registration Forms?
Can I enroll my child online?
Not at this time. It is a priority to make that available in the near future.
Do you have a Pre-K Program?
Yes. Michael Anderson Elementary has a free Pre-K program for 3 & 4 year olds and it is available to on-base residents only.
It is a half-day program held twice a week, or three times a week for 4 year olds.
There is a first come, first serve registration period to enroll your child.
Special Needs
Can your schools accomodate students with special needs?
Yes, all of our schools can accommodate students with special needs.
It may depend on if there is a spot available.
If we arrive in the middle of the school year, can my child try out for a team?
There are 3 sports seasons in the school year. Joining a team after the season starts can occur in the first couple weeks of the season.
What do I need to do to sign my child up for a sport?
The Medical Lake Middle School Athletic forms can be found here:
The Medical Lake High School Athletic Forms can be found here: